Blog tagged as Sales

Using a Customer Survey to Introduce Print Opportunities

Using a Customer Survey to Introduce Print Opportunities

By Eric Granata

Use a simple questionnaire to unlock new print opportunities with your clients. Learn to gauge their print needs, prioritize discussions, and position yourself as their go-to print resource!
August 23, 2024 07:41 AM - Comment(s)
Optimizing Inventory for Company Stores: Balancing Cost, Demand, and Storage

Optimizing Inventory for Company Stores: Balancing Cost, Demand, and Storage

By Eric Granata

Discover how to optimize inventory for your company stores by balancing cost, demand, and storage. Learn strategies to avoid dead stock, reduce storage costs, and improve inventory velocity using data-driven insights. Plus, get a free tool to help you manage your inventory efficiently!
August 15, 2024 02:28 PM - Comment(s)
Leverage ASI’s Ad Impressions Study Insights for Sales and Marketing

Leverage ASI’s Ad Impressions Study Insights for Sales and Marketing

By Eric Granata

Discover how to transform your sales and marketing strategies with insights from ASI's Ad Impressions Study! Learn practical ways to integrate this valuable data into client conversations, presentations, and email campaigns.
June 19, 2024 10:25 AM - Comment(s)
Incorporating Print Into Your Liftoff Store With BCSI

Incorporating Print Into Your Liftoff Store With BCSI

By Eric Granata

A guide on integrating BCSI with the Liftoff e-commerce platform to enhance online company store programs by including print products.
May 19, 2024 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
Why Promo Distributors Should Add Print to Their Offerings Today! 

Why Promo Distributors Should Add Print to Their Offerings Today! 

By Eric Granata

Print's not dead. In fact, Smithers expects that "Over the five years to 2028, the global value of all print and printed packaging is forecast to grow from $889.4 billion to $1.16 trillion." Holy smokes! Savvy marketers know that print is a valuable way to market to their au...

May 15, 2024 04:27 PM - Comment(s)