Blog categorized as Print

Using a Customer Survey to Introduce Print Opportunities

Using a Customer Survey to Introduce Print Opportunities

By Eric Granata

Use a simple questionnaire to unlock new print opportunities with your clients. Learn to gauge their print needs, prioritize discussions, and position yourself as their go-to print resource!
August 23, 2024 07:41 AM - Comment(s)
How to Manage a VDP Template Project with Coverdale

How to Manage a VDP Template Project with Coverdale

By Eric Granata

If you're diving into selling customizable or variable data print solutions through online store platforms like Liftoff, Four51, or Pageflex Storefront, you've likely encountered the challenge of managing template creation. This process can be daunting.
June 11, 2024 01:35 PM - Comment(s)
Boost Client Engagement with Automated Direct Mail

Boost Client Engagement with Automated Direct Mail

By Eric Granata

There's a cool app that you can integrate into your business to start sending automated direct mail.
June 03, 2024 12:37 PM - Comment(s)
Why Promo Distributors Should Add Print to Their Offerings Today! 

Why Promo Distributors Should Add Print to Their Offerings Today! 

By Eric Granata

Print's not dead. In fact, Smithers expects that "Over the five years to 2028, the global value of all print and printed packaging is forecast to grow from $889.4 billion to $1.16 trillion." Holy smokes! Savvy marketers know that print is a valuable way to market to their au...

May 15, 2024 04:27 PM - Comment(s)