QR Codes: The Marketing Tool You Might Be Underusing

September 17, 2024 01:12 PM
QR codes often get dismissed as a passing trend, yet they remain a powerful tool in the world of print and promotional products—if used correctly. Many marketers view them as a simple way to link to a website, but with a little creativity and some advanced techniques, QR codes can become an important part of your client's strategy with print and promo. From personalized experiences to data-driven insights, QR codes are far from obsolete. It all depends on the execution.

Here’s how to level-up QR codes in your print and promo projects with redirects, analytics and insights, and personalized experiences.

Why QR Codes Still Matter

Let’s be honest—QR codes have been around for a while, and some people think they’re overrated. But the truth is, they’re rarely used to their full potential. At PromoPilot, we’ve seen firsthand how powerful they can be when paired with the right strategies.

The beauty of QR codes lies in their simplicity and versatility. A customer can scan one with their smartphone in seconds, but where that scan takes them—and what happens next—depends entirely on how well you plan your campaign.

Use Bitly for Tracking and Redirection

One of the biggest missed opportunities with QR codes is the lack of tracking. This is where Bitly, a URL shortening and tracking service, comes into play. By creating custom QR codes with Bitly, you can measure key metrics and even change the destination URL after the code has been printed—giving you more flexibility in your campaigns.

Why Bitly Matters:
    • Track Engagement: Bitly allows you to track how many times a QR code is scanned and much more, which is essential for understanding the success of your campaign. Marketers (your buyers) value data and helping them to tie that data back to the products you sold them demonstrates not only the value of those products, but also you as a partner.
    • Change the Destination: Traditional QR codes lock you into a specific URL once printed. With Bitly, you can update the link later, so if your promotion changes, your QR code stays relevant without the need to reprint anything. With the ability to change the destination over time, you can encourage multiple scans by promising new content and digital experiences in the future. For example, imagine you print 1,000 brochures for a trade show with a QR code leading to a product page. A month later, your promotion ends, but you can use Bitly to redirect the code to a new landing page without needing to reprint or redesign your materials.
Bitly analytics
Bitly offers a bunch of analytics that savvy marketers will appreciate.

Enhance Tracking with UTM Parameters

UTM parameters are small pieces of text that you can add to the end of a web link to help track where visitors come from when they click or scan that link. Think of them like name tags for your links that tell you whether someone came from a QR code, an email, or a social media post.

When someone clicks a link with UTM parameters, the information gets recorded in tools like Google Analytics, helping you understand which marketing efforts are driving traffic to your website. This lets you see what’s working and where you might need to make changes.

If data is king, then UTM parameters are its royal advisors. UTM parameters allow you to append extra data to your URLs, giving you detailed insights into how users arrived at your website. By combining UTM codes with your QR links, you can track specific details like:
    • Source: Where the user found your QR code (flyer, brochure, product label).
    • Medium: The type of marketing channel (print, email, etc.).
    • Campaign: The name of your campaign (spring sale, holiday promotion).
Example UTM-Enhanced URL: https://promopilot.io/newsletter?utm_source=brochure&utm_medium=qr_code&utm_campaign=holiday_promo

When users scan the QR code, this URL will be tracked in Google Analytics (assuming it is installed on the destination website), letting marketing pros see exactly which print pieces or promo products are driving the most traffic and conversions.

Personalized Landing Pages with Variable Data Printing

QR codes become even more powerful when paired with variable data printing and personalized landing pages. This technology allows you to print unique QR codes on each piece of material, linking to personalized content such as a landing page that greets the user by name.

How Variable Data Printing Works:
    1. Print: Each QR code is tied to an individual customer or prospect.
    2. Scan: When the user scans the code, it leads to a personalized landing page.
    3. Personal Greeting: Using dynamic tools like Unbounce’s dynamic text replacement, the page automatically greets the user by name or includes tailored offers.
Imagine you send out direct mailers for a promotion. Each piece has a unique QR code that, when scanned, leads to a page that says, “Hi Sarah! Here’s your exclusive offer for 15% off.” This level of personalization increases engagement, making the customer feel valued.
Unbounce is a landing page platform.
Unbounce is a no-code landing page and lead capture tool. You might even like it for your own marketing efforts!

Dynamic Text Replacement with Unbounce

Unbounce’s dynamic text replacement (DTR) feature allows you to personalize landing pages even further. By adding specific URL parameters to the QR code, Unbounce can automatically replace text on the page to greet users by name or highlight a special offer just for them.

How It Works:
  • The QR code contains a URL with special text at the end (similar to UTM parameters) like ?name=Sarah&promo=15percent.
  • When Sarah scans the QR code, Unbounce replaces placeholders on the landing page with “Sarah” and the specific discount.

This turns a generic landing page into a customized experience, making users feel like the campaign was designed specifically for them.

Ideas for Maximizing QR Code Engagement

1. Instant Lead Capture
Instead of sending users to a generic homepage, link to a landing page with a lead capture form. Offer an incentive—like a discount or free download—for filling out the form. Many web form tools also support pre-filling fields using parameters like the ones described earlier. You can use these for visible or hidden fields on your form to further personalize and streamline the experience.

2. Personalized Offers
Create a dynamic QR code campaign where the offer changes based on the user’s location, time of day, or other factors. This makes the experience feel more personal and relevant. You'll need a tool like SiteDetour for this.

3. Social Media Engagement
Link QR codes to a specific social media post, hashtag, or contest. A scan could trigger a pre-populated tweet or Instagram post, encouraging users to engage with your brand on social platforms.

QR Codes in Action: A Case Study

Let’s say you’re a promotional products distributor running a giveaway campaign. You print 1,000 postcards with a unique QR code that leads users to a personalized landing page. Here’s how it plays out:
    • Tracking: Using Bitly, you track how many people scanned the codes.
    • UTM Parameters: You learn which print piece (postcard vs. brochure) drove the most traffic to your site.
    • Personalization: Thanks to variable data printing, each landing page greets users by name, and Unbounce dynamically adjusts the text based on their specific offer.

This level of engagement and tracking helps you not only improve your current campaign but also gather valuable insights for future marketing efforts.
An Important Note:
When discussing strategies like QR codes, personalized landing pages, and tracking, distributors can get stuck on the logistics: Who pays for the software? How much should you charge for setting it all up? These are valid concerns, but they shouldn’t stop you from presenting these ideas to your clients.

In some cases, savvy clients may choose to handle things like landing pages on their own, using their in-house teams. If that happens, you might miss out on the chance to monetize those services. In other situations, you might manage the Bitly account, set up the QR codes, and handle reporting—charging a service fee for your expertise and the value you bring to the table.

The key here is not to get bogged down in the details upfront. At the very least, present these ideas to your clients. If they’re excited about the possibilities, you can work out the logistics later—who handles what, and who covers which costs. Even if they decide not to pursue these strategies, you’ve positioned yourself as someone who thinks beyond the swag and offers thoughtful solutions that enhance the products you sell. That alone can set you apart as a valuable partner in their marketing efforts.

Final Thoughts: QR codes can do so much more!

Some might say QR codes are overrated, but when used with tools like Bitly, UTM tracking, and personalized landing pages, they’re anything but outdated. By crafting compelling brand experiences that go beyond the merch, they can drive engagement, provide valuable data, and create unique experiences that stick with your audience.

So the next time you’re designing a print and promo campaign incorporating QR codes, don’t settle for a basic website link. Use QR codes creatively, combine them with the power of data, and turn every scan into a personalized marketing opportunity.
Eric Granata

Eric Granata

Managing Director PromoPilot, LLC

Eric Granata is the Managing Director of PromoPilot, an automation consultancy firm serving the promotional products and printing industry.